
Lauder Store Accommodation

Lauder, Central Otago, Otago


The Lauder Store was built in the early 1900’s and served the local district until 1995 when it closed. The Old Store has been renovated into a modern fully self contained two bedroom apartment. The plaster in areas of the store has been removed to expose the original 1900's sun-dried mud brick walls. You're looking at them right now as they are featured in the background of this page! Mud brick, made from mud and water, was used for building in Central Otago in the early 1900's because of the lack of timber in the area. Mud brick retains warmth in winter and has a cooling effect in summer. These beautiful and historic walls have now been sealed for protection.

The small exterior room to the side of the store was the local butcher shop, where the concrete butcher's bench can still be found. The most recent owners of the operational Lauder Store were the late Mr & Mrs Bill Harley. The Harley family kindly donated the original Lauder Store docket that you'll find framed in Reception.


3316 Lauder-Omakau Road, Lauder, Central Otago, Otago

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